For the benefit of society (Local activities)

For the local community that always supports us
We are engaged in “Local joint cleaning activities” and ”Fire brigade activities”.
Children Watch Squad
Since October 2016, the Liaison Council of Workplace and Police in the Oizumi region of Gunma Prefecture has been practicing the “Children Watch Action” to secure the safety of local children as a new measure. Currently 20 business offices are taking action with the purpose of protecting children from crime and accidents by participating in watch squad activities on the routes to school and parks mainly during the time when elementary and junior high school students within the area under jurisdiction of the Oizumi Police go home.
For the “Children Watch Squad”, the staff at North Kanto CS Center wear pink or red “Children Watch Squad” jumpers while cheerfully greeting children outside the gate of Nagae Elementary School in Oura-machi to ensure that the children get home safely.

Local joint cleaning activities
Our company participates in a monthly local joint cleaning activity with several companies nearby as a contribution to the local community who supports us and also as a wish for all of these companies to be able to feel comfortable to work.